What is new? The OECD Development Centre and the Austrian Development Cooperation are hosting a Policy Dialogue on where to begin and what innovative approaches work to accelerate social transformation to achieve gender related SDG by 2030 on 22 May 2019 in Vienna, Austria.
Where is it ? Federal Ministry for Europe, Integration, and Foreign Affairs. Minoritenplatz 8, 1010 Wien, Vienna, Austria.
What is SIGI? The OECD Development Centre’s SIGI looks at the gaps that legislation, social norms and practices create between women and men in terms of rights and opportunities. Drawing on the evidence-based analysis of the SIGI 2019 Global Report, the event will be an opportunity to share new data informing policy debates on social norms and discrimination against women and girls across the globe. Panellists will notably share concrete examples of how gender-transformative policies and programmes can challenge gender norms and promote women’s rights, gender equality and sustainable development.
Details on the panel and on registration will follow within the coming week at https://www.entwicklung.at/ada/termine/.
For more information please email dev.gender@oecd.org