Can the Security Council Work for Women?

published on 11/27/2018

WILPF Launches a “Towards a Feminist Security Council” Guidance Note to Accelerate Action on Women, Peace and Security

Direct Link to Full 32-Page 2018 WILPF Publication:

For more than 100 years, WILPF has been at the forefront of advocating for feminist peace based on equality, justice and demilitarised security for all.

During our more than 100 years working for peace, we have organised dialogues between women across the globe, supported women mobilising to oppose war and conflict, and brought women to the multilateral bodies to speak truth to power and share their real experiences and concerns on the happenings on the ground. We believe in the power of women. In the collective power of women.

In 2000, we finally succeeded. Working closely with others to get the UN Security Council to recognise women’s integral role in international peace and security, the UN Security Council adopted its landmark resolution 1325 on Women, Peace and Security (WPS). But it is not working.

Today, the UN Security Council’s work is guided by “business as usual” and real impact is stopped by the use of veto, a top-down approach, arms proliferation, gender-blind analysis, and ongoing obstacles to civil society inclusion. But it does not have to be like this.

The antidote is Feminist Peace.

WILPF believes that a Feminist Security Council Agenda, based on women’s meaningful participation, protection and rights, must be at the core of all efforts to prevent conflict and build sustainable peace.

This is why we today launch a comprehensive guidance note targeting Security Council Members.

The “Towards a Feminist Security Council” Guidance Note builds on emerging good practices and civil society recommendations. Created first for the UN Security Council members, it provides a useful tool to guide all experts working at diplomatic missions to the UN on how to advance the Security Council’s mandate consistent with the Women, Peace and Security Agenda.

This Guidance Note shares effective working methods to address the key gaps. Upstream conflict prevention and sustaining peace based on women’s participation, protection and rights should replace militarised crisis response.

Will Security Council work for women? This Guidance Note shows that change is possible. Join us in taking action for peace that works for everyone.  Encourage your country to demand leadership that steps up.

