“The Europe we want? Feminist approaches to gender, migration, and democracy“

published on 11/22/2018

Check out the new publication: “The Europe we want? Feminist approaches to gender, migration, and democracy“

November 2018,  WIDE

Download: http://www.wide-netzwerk.at/images/publikationen/2018/TheEuropeWeWant-FeministApproaches-Migration.pdf

It is a publication of the WIDE network on gender and migration, aspects of refugees and has a focus on challenges in Spain, Austria, Poland, Belgium and Spain.

Information in Englisch: http://www.wide-netzwerk.at/index.php/international/365-wide-publication-the-europe-we-want

Project partners were:

WIDE – Entwicklungspolitisches Netzwerk für Frauenrechte und feministische Perspektiven (Austria) – www.wide-netzwerk.at

CEIM – Centro de Estudios e Investigación sobre Mujeres (Spanien) – www.ceim.eu

Le Monde selon les femmes (Belgien) – www.mondefemmes.be

GADIP – Network Gender and Development in Practice (Schweden) – https://globalstudies.gu.se/english/cooperation/gadip

Karat Coalition (Polen) – www.karat.org