ILSGEN news – Register now: Join the countdown to International Women’s Day!

published on 02/14/2024

The ILSGEN team of the ITCILO, in collaboration with the UN Global Compact, is glad to invite to join the Countdown to International Women’s Day — a high-impact, interactive learning journey designed to help companies move from commitment to action on gender equality.

Starting from 22 February, it is possible to join global peers in a mix of live expert-led sessions and additional on-demand learning modules, offered in multiple languages and time zones.
The journey is open and free of charge to all. GET READY ! Help move from commitment to action on gender equality!

Learn more

Register here:

International Training Centre of the ILO
International Labour Standards, Rights at work and Gender Equality (ILSGEN)
Viale Maestri del Lavoro, 10
10127 Turin – Italy
This Newsletter is a ILSGEN Programme’s publication, Copyright © 2023 ITCILO, all rights reserved