WPS-HA Compact Accountability Report 2024 – Compact on Women, Peace and Security and Humanitarian Action

published on 10/21/2024

The report is out! Launch of the 2024 WPS-HA Compact Accountability Report

Dear WPS-HA Compact Signatories and Community,

The Women, Peace and Security and Humanitarian Action Compact is pleased to release the 2024 WPS-HA Compact Accountability Report, which reveals alarming global trends in peace and security and the significant progress made by Compact signatories in advancing gender equality in conflict and crisis-affected regions.

We invite you to read the report here.

The 2024 Accountability report compiles data from over 44% of Compact signatories – valuable data that helps shed light on the rising violence against women and girls while also celebrating the collective efforts that reached nearly 25 million in 2023. Against a backdrop tinted by increased conflict and pushback against women’s rights in countries ranging from Afghanistan to the Democratic Republic of Congo and from Haiti to Sudan, the collective achievements of Compact signatories shine a light of hope and show a clear way forward.

Read the press release.

We hope that this accountability report will help inspire even bolder and more ambitious action for sustainable peace.

The WPS-HA Compact Secretariat